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I do wonder, how many people are actually contributing them?

As far as I know only two... so by this aspect thousands of profiles are kind of "incomplete" as since 2015 there have been more than 150.000 German releases - and I am sure that at load of them is part of our database, too
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 6694
Voice dub credits may be included if they are displayed at any time when the film is played with the language matching the profile's locality, even when present in a section distinct from the other credits.

I think that says it all. The only choice I have to do to see them is German language settings. Not anywhere listed as "extras". That they are not part of the end credits might be caused by technical and/or cost reasons: It seems easier to add that clip after the end credits (of any imported movie or series) than to modify the movie itself. Especially then this is kind of a "playlist" only shown with German settings. I have seen some of the French, too, while trying to solve some technical issues, so there might be the French voice actors, too, if I chose French settings.

Some have multiple screens with multiple different locations...5, 6, 7 or more.

I have seen those, too. In this case I'd like to say that it is easier if not cheaper for the companies to put ALL of them to the end credits than to create those different "playlists" for every single language. They do their credits once for the whole world, no matter if there are only 3 languages on the disc, you get the names of 10 and more languages. In this case I never would add them, wouldn't make sense. But after decades of knowing nothing, for me it seems relevant to finally know the names behind the voices I've heard so often.

I still would like to find out if the misspellings are pure lazyness or done under purpose...
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 6694
Quoting nimbuz:
And iirc I haven't seen their names in the credits when I use the english menu option on multi region discs, so they're not even part of the credits.

That's why I wrote that this is kind of a German "problem". But even if you chose German language selection (of releases since 2015) they are not part of the credits. There are "credits after the credits", kind of a short film or diashow after the end titles. And as the rules say "as credted" this only seems for German releases. If you take a look on my collection and just check out the series "Orange is the new Black", you see the HUGE load of voice actors (about 30+ for every single episode).

But their regular misspellings make common names problematic as it is much harder to count the variations. Especially as they are so much! I am just working on "Once upon a Time" - and all 7 seasons has the voice cast for every single episode. Once again with different "spellings" here and there, of the actors as well as of their roles.

And following the way defined by the rules, there is no chance to find a common name for one of them.
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 6694
To explain this might be a little bit complicated, so I have to jump through the time here and there. And especially as this is mostly a German "problem", I post this thread in German (italic text after every passage), too, just for a better understanding.
Dies zu erklären ist etwas kompliziert, weshalb ich hier und dort etwas durch die Zeit springen muß. Und besonders, da es sich hier größtenteils um ein "Problem" für Deutschland handelt, gibt es diesen Thread um des besseren Verständnisses willen zusätzlich auf Deutsch.

Usually all rules around Profiler are global, the same for every single country, but what happens if just one single country does such a massive change, not relevant for other countries?
Normalerweise gelten alle Regeln rund um Profiler global, die selben für jedes einzelne Land, doch was passiert when ein einzelnes Land eine so massive Veränderung vornimmt, die für andere Länder nicht relevant ist?

At least all the collectors in German speaking countries know that movies and series are synchronized. For a long long time only animated movies/series showed the names of the German voice actors.
Zumindest die Sammler aus den Deutsch sprechenden Ländern wissen, daß Filme und Serien synchronisiert sind. Für sehr lange Zeit wurden die Namen der Synchronsprecher ausschließlich für animierten Filmen/Serien angezeigt.

But then there was a massive change. According to Warner this happened in 2015, other sources say 2018. They did kind of an agreement that from then on every release of DVD/BluRay has to credit the German voice actors.
Aber dann gab es eine massive Änderung. Laut Warner passierte dies 2015, andere Quellen sagen 2018. Eine Übereinkunft wurde getroffen, daß ab diesem Zeitpunkt auf jedem Release von DVD/BluRay die Synchronsprecher in den Credits mit angezeigt werden müssen.

I never got any explanation for a reason of this agreement, but in my opinion it is about money: If your name is shown in the credits, you earn some royalty.
Einen Grund hierfür konnte oder wollte mir niemand nennen, doch meinern Meinung nach geht es hierbei um Geld: Wenn Dein Name in den Credits steht, dann bekommst Du auch Tantiemen.

As now our rules say "as credited", we have countless profiles with kind of incomplete data. If you have stopped typing data at the end of the end credits, you were missing that "short movie" after which shows the voice actors.
Da unsere Regeln nun besagen "wie in den Credits", haben wir unzählige Profile mit mehr oder weniger unvollständigen Daten. Wer beim Abtippen mit dem Ende der End-Titel aufgehört hat, hat den "Kurzfilm" danach verpasst, in dem die Synchronsprecher angezeigt werden.

In this case my problem is not the missing data. I got some problems with the definition of the Common Names. Concerning the voice actors it becomes very special - and endless.
In diesem Fall besteht mein Problem nicht aus den fehlenden Daten. Ich habe jedoch ein Problem mit der Definition der Common Names. In Bezug auf die Synchronsprecher wird es nämlich sehr speziell - und endlos.

The rules define the "Common Name" as the "most used name ever in credits". But: Could this be changed for those voice actors?
Die Regeln definieren den "Common Name" als den "in den Credits am meisten verwendeten Namen". Aber: Kann man das für die Synchronsprecher verändern?

I should have recognized how huge this change is about one year ago when Warner told me of 2015. Then I got the missing seasons of "Supernatural" (where voice actors are released from season 9 - 15) but I was busy with some other stuff.
Eigentlich hätte ich schon vor etwa einem Jahr bemerken müssen, wie groß diese Veränderung ist, als mir Warner etwas von 2015 erzählt hat. Damals hatte ich die fehlenden Staffeln von "Supernatural" erhalten (wo die Synchronsprecher von Staffel 9 - 15 veröffentlicht wurden), doch war ich noch mit anderen Sachen beschäftigt.

The situation nearly escalated during the last couple of weeks when I recieved some more series - each with the voice actors in the "credits after the end credits": "Orange is the new Black" (7 Seasons, 30+ speakers for every single episode), "Grey's Anatomy" (voice actors shown from the first episode to the end), "Gomorrha" (I got season 2 + 3 ans was happy that the agreement was not active yet when season 1 was released).
Vor ein paar Wochen eskalierte die Situation beinahe als ich ein paar weitere Serien erhielt - jede mit Synchronsprechern in den "Credits nach den End Credits": "Orange is the new Black" (7 Staffeln 30+ Synchronsprecher für jede einzelne Episode), "Grey's Anatomy" (Synchronsprcher werden ab der allersten Episode angezeigt), "Gomorrha" (Ich erhielt Staffel 2 + 3 und war froh darüber, daß die Übereinkunft bei Veröffentlichung der ersten Staffel noch nicht aktiv war).

This way I was confronted with countless "variations" (misspellings) of several names, barely able to use always the same name (plus "credited as") for all it's variations.
Auf diesem Wege wurde ich mit unzähligen "Varianten" (Tippfehlern) etlicher Namen konfrontiert, kaum in der Lage, stets den selben Namen (und "credited as") für all seine Varianten zu benutzen.

It became quite horrible! I have a disc with 3 episodes, mostly with the same voice cast, but half of the voice actors have at least 2 if not 3 different spellings on the same disc.
Es wurde ziemlich schrecklich! Da habe ich eine Disc mit 3 Episoden, größtenteils mit den selben Synchronsprechern, aber die Hälfte der Sprecher hat mindestens 2 wenn nicht sogar 3 verschiedene Schreibweisen auf der selben Disc.

Just to list some constant mistakes which don't have those special German letters: Victoria/Viktoria, Cristina/Christina/Kristina, Marie/Maria, with/without a middle vocal or simple letter changes (Reihcmann instead of Reichmann). I can't count them anymore!
Nur um hier ein paar der regelmäßigen Fehler aufzuführen, die keinen der speziellen deutschen Buchstaben beinhalten: Victoria/Viktoria, Cristina/Christina/Kristina, Marie/Maria, mit/ohne einem Mittelvokal oder einfache Buchstabendreher (Reihcmann statt Reichmann). Ich kann sie nicht mehr zählen!

Meanwhile - additionally the series I have allready listed - I did several other seasons of series (e. g. "The Walking Dead", "Fear the Walking Dead") and have a list of some I need to check ("Bones" from Season 10, "The Big Bang Theory" from Season 9, "Vampire Diaries" from Season 6 etc.) and the number of misspellings might be much bigger than the number of correctly written names.
Mittlerweile - zusätzlich zu den bereits genannten Serien - habe ich mich um diverse weitere Staffeln anderer Serien gekümmert (z. B. "The Walking Dead", "Fear the Walking Dead") und habe eine Liste, die es noch zu überprüfen gilt ("Bones" ab Staffel 10, "The Big Bang Theory" ab Staffel 9, "Vampire Diaries" ab Staffel 6 usw.) und die Zahl der Tippfehler könnte inzwischen bedeutend größer sein als die der richtig geschriebenen Namen.

I prefer correct data. Sometimes the credits of the voice actors are simply confusing, and the only half way reliable source is the site Synchronkartei.de - altough they also got mistakes. It is even more confusing, if the credits list a voice actor not know by Synchronkartei and not even known by Google. There were several such names listed at "Orange is the new Black". So I had no choice than to contact the studio of the synchronization. The first few "riddles" are solved, for the rest I have to wait until next year. Good experiences so far with that studio, and hopefully the one of "Grey's Anatomy" is also willing to answer my question of this totally unknown speaker credited in one episode.
Ich bevorzuge korrekte Daten. Manchmal jedoch sind die Credits der Synchronsprecher einfach verwirrend, und die einzige halbwegs zuverlässige Quelle ist die Seite Synchronkartei.de - obwohl auch diese manchmal Fehler enthält. Noch verwirrender wird es, wenn ein Sprecher in den Credits steht, den Synchronkartei nicht kennt und nicht einmal Google. Mehrere solcher Namen waren bei "Orange is the new Black" zu finden. So hatte ich keine Wahl, als das Synchron-Studio zu kontaktierten. Die ersten paar dieser "Rätsel" sind gelöst, für den Rest muß ich bis nächstes Jahr warten. Gute Erfahrungen mit diesem Studio, und hoffentlich ist das von "Grey's Anatomy" genau so hilfsbereit, mir die Frage über einen komplett unbekannten Sprecher zu beantworten, der in einer Episode aufgeführt ist.

It has allready been a lot of work with the profiles I recognized, it will be more with the ones I only presume so far and it will become an unimaginable load of work if I check all releases since 2015 in my collection. I even don't want to imagine the variations of the spellings of all of the names!
Es war schon eine Menge Arbeit mit den Profilen, die mir aufgefallen sind, es wird noch mehr mit denjenigen, bei denen ich es bisher nur vermute, und es wird eine unvorstellbare Ladung an Arbeit wenn ich alle DVDs/BluRays in meiner Sammlung überprüfe, die seit 2015 veröffentlicht wurde. Ich mag mir all die Variationen der Schreibweisen all dieser Namen nicht einmal vorstellen!

During an endless correspondence with Synchronkartei I asked if they couldn't add all those misspellings to their database they way we do as "credited as". But I had to learn that they would have troubles then with the speakers themselves. They only want to be listed with the name(s) they do business under. Sometimes there are 2 or 3 variations but definitely not more. For some it is the name before and after the marriage but that's all. So if there wasn't the Synchronkartei, I only could ask the studios whenever I find a wronlgy spelled name.
Während des Schriftverkehrs mit der Synchronkartei fragte ich, ob die nicht auch die falschen Schreibweisen in ihrer Datenbank aufnehmen könnte, so wie wir eben als "credited as". Doch ich mußte lernen, daß die dann Probleme mit den Sprechern selbst kriegen. Diese möchten nur unter dem/den Namen aufgeführt werden, under dem/denen sie firmieren. Manchmal sind es 2 oder 3 Varianten, aber definitiv nicht mehr. Bei manchen ist es der Namen vor und nach der Heirat, aber damit hat es sich. Und wenn es die Synchronkartei nicht häfe, müßte ich jedes Mal die Studios fragen, wenn ich auf einen falsch geschriebenen Namen stoße.

Now it is a little bit of mathematics and I hope you understand my suggestion: Even if all the profiles of German releases since 2015 where the voice actors are credited would be complete, it is an unimaginable work to count all the variations of just one single name as several voice actors are present in countless movies and series.
Jetzt geht es etwas um die Mathematik und ich hoffe, ihr versteht meinen Vorschlag: Selbst wenn all die Profile Deutscher Releases seit 2015, bei denen die Synchronsprecher in den Credits stehen, vollständig wären, ist es eine unvorstellbare Arbeit, all die Varianten nur eines einzigen Namens zu zählen, da etliche Synchronsprecher in unzähligen Filmen und Serien präsent sind.

I don't know the number of regulary working voice actors but according to my personal experiences, there are several hundreds if not several thousands. And now imagine the time neccessary to prove the counts of the variations of only one of them!
Ich kenne nicht die Anzal der regelmäßig arbeiteten Synchronsprecher doch nach meiner persönlichen Erfahrung sind es Hunderte wenn nicht sogar Tausende. Und nun stellt Euch nur einmal die Zeit vor, die notwendig ist, um die Anzal all der Varianten nur eines einzigen Sprechers zu bestätigen!

As we don't have that "bad luck" that the voice actors could cause troubles for us, according to our rules even the worst spelling of a name could become the common name. Impossible to find a headshot then, but as soon as this name is defined, it might change! As there are actually about 20.000 (!) releases every year in Germany, the number of counts quite sure would change nearly every single week if not every single day!
Da wir nicht das "Pech" haben, daß wir Probleme mit den Synchronsprechern bekommen können, könnte nach unseren Regeln also selbst die übelste Schreibweise eines Sprechers zu dessen "Common Name" werden. Dann ist es zwar unmöglich, ein Foto zu finden, doch sobald dieser Name definiert ist, kann er sich auch schon wieder ändern! Da es in Deutschland aktuell etwa 20.000 (!) Releases jedes Jahr gibt, würde sich auch die Anzahl der Variationen wöchentlich ändern, wenn nicht sogar täglich!

And who ever has started a thread to define a common name knows how long this definition lasts under regular circumstances. But those ordinary voice actors totally change the circumstances as they appear in so many more profiles.
Und wer schon einmal einen Thread gestartet hat, um einen "Common Name" zu definieren, der weiß, wie lange diese Definition schon unter normalen Umständen dauert. Doch diese gewöhnlichen Synchronsprecher verändern die Umstände total, da sie in so viel mehr Profilen erscheinen.

So the whole story above lead me to the idea to define the common name of those voice actors on a different way, no matter if they are also active as actors: The Synchronkartei lists the name(s) the voice actors do business under. In my opinion, if there is only one name, this should become our common name, too, as then we are able to find the voice actors there, via Google or any other search engine. If they do business under more than one name, then only the counts of those variations are relevant to chose a common name (e. g. "Klaus-Dieter Klebsch" and "K. Dieter Klebsch"). All misspelled variations should simply be ignored. This way the time to prove the counts is reduced to a minimum and the common name could be defined within a much shorter time - and doesn't need to be checked after every new release!
Die ganze Geschichte oberhalb führte mich zu der Idee, die "Common Names" der Synchronsprecher auf andere Weise zu definieren, ganz egal, ob diese auch als Schauspieler aktiv sind: Die Synchronkartei listet den/die Namen, unter dem die Synchronsprecher firmieren. Meiner Meinung nach, wenn sie dies nur unter einem Namen tun, sollte dieser auch unser "Common Name" werden, da wir dann die Sprecher dort, über Google oder jede andere Suchmaschine finden können. Wenn sie unter mehreren Namen firmieren, dann sollten nur die Counts dieser Variationen gezählt werden, um den "Common Name" festzulegen (e. g. "Klaus-Dieter Klebsch" and "K. Dieter Klebsch"). Alle falsch geschriebenen Varianten sollten wir einfach ignorieren. Auf diesem Weg würde die Zeit, um die Anzahl der Schreibweisen zu bestätigen, auf ein Minimum reduziert und der "Common Name" könnte innerhalb viel kürzerer Zeit definiert werden - und müßte nicht nach jeden neuen Release überprüft werden!

If you think my idea is bad and we should handle the voice actors the same way we do it with all others to find a common name, I have to counter with some numbers: Just think about one research for an actor present in 84 profiles with 287 credits to prove the counts (84 x 287 = 6888 movies/episodes to check the credits) and then imagine that is is only one of 30 voice actors of just one series (6888x 30 = 206.640). And when after half a year of checks and proves the names of all 30 are defined, 20 new releases become part of our database which change "only" the numbers of half of the voice actors! A neverending story begins! No more time to watch, too much time neccessary to prove counts!
Wenn ihr nun denkt, meine Idee sei schlecht und wir sollten die Synchronsprecher auf dem selben Weg behandeln, mit dem wir die "Common Names" aller anderen finden, muß ich mit ein paar Zahlen kontern: Denkt nur einmal über die Nachforschungen für einen Sprecher nach, der in 84 Profilen mit 287 Counts vertreten ist, um die Counts zu bestätigen (84 x 287 = 6888 Filme/Episoden, um die Counts zu überprüfen) und stellt euch dann vor, daß dieser nur einer von 30 Sprechern nur einer Serie ist (6888x 30 = 206.640). Und wenn nach einem halben Jahr and Überprüfung und Bestätigung die Namen aller 30 definiert sind, werden 20 neue Releases Bestandteil unserer Datenbank, welche "nur" die Hälfte der Zahlen unserer Synchronsprecher verändern! Eine unendliche Geschichte beginnt! Keine Zeit mehr zum Schauen, zu viel Zeitaufwand, um Counts zu bestätigen!

As initially mentioned, this is something very special in Germany. At least I don't know if any other country so far has any agreement that voice actors MUST BE SHOWN on every release! But to make this kind of democratic and to show me your opinion in the poll, too, even if you are not from Germany (like most of the users here might be), the poll is once for Germans, once for "the rest of the world (ROTW)".
Wie eingangs erwähnt, ist das etwas ganz Spezielles in Deutschland. Zumindest weiß ich bisher noch von keinem anderen Land, in dem die Synchronsprecher bei jedem Release angezeigt werden MÜSSEN! Doch um demokratisch zu bleiben und um mir eure Meinung mitzuteilen, auch wenn ihr nicht aus Deutschland seid (wie es vermutliche die meisten Nutzer hier sind), gibt es den Poll einmal für Deutsche und einmal für "den Rest der Welt".

For any further ideas to handle this situation, which exists for 8 years meanwhile but has not completely arrived at our DVDProfiler, leave a comment. English and German are welcome!
Für weitere Ideen, um mit der Situation umzugehen, die inzwischen zwar seit 8 Jahren existiert aber noch nicht komplett bei DVDProfiler angekommen ist, hinterlasse einen Kommentar. Englisch und Deutsch sind willkommen!
Topic Replies: 9, Topic Views: 6694
Well, it might be possible to slow down VLC to frame-by-frame speed, I never tried that. Why? There timeline is not that real. So e. g. an episode has 41.26 Min. I move the mouse arrow to the end of the timeline, see kind of "41.20" and click. And VLC never moves to the time I saw before my click but 10 - 20 seconds earlier. And just to imagine how long a second is watching it frame-by-frame and then how long 20 - 30 seconds are.... before I reach the credits after the end credits.

I am totally satisfied that the ZOOM Player doesn't need to slow down. All works fine and I am nearly done with the (first) series
Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 4299
And another unconventional experience....

I always thought that at least all discs of one season should have been created with the same kind of "structure". Oh, what a fail!

From the first disc of Season 5 I could get all the data of the voice actors with slowing down the speed to 1/2 - but no matter how slow I did it from Disc 2 to the rest of the season: The slides with the voice actors were shown sooo fast that I even wasn't able to click on pause within that short time.

My last post before I wrote when I started Season 3. Season 4 than brought the next "adventure": Playable with Leawo, but VLC only showed me a grey screen instead of the menu. And Leawo was as fast as always, not able to show me what I needed to see.

So I had no choice than to search for another player, willing to try one I have never heard before. At least in this case (do I need to say: "so far"? I don't know if it will work for season 6 - 8 then, but so far it did a good job) I was lucky that my first download - only a test version of "ZOOM Player Max" - fullfilled all the promises VLC always makes...

I started the ZOOM with the 2nd disc of Season 5, and it was a very positive surprise that there is a software which plays clips in the same speed a DVD-Player does on TV. I didn't want to get disappointed one more time, and all my hope was with this software. So after finishing the 5th season, I gave the 4th one a try and it was very satisfying to see the menu now + got shown the slides with the voice actors not only in a good speed but with enough time to click on PAUSE to write down all the names before going on to the next slide.

The final info might be a shock for all German collectors:

In 2015 (other sources say 2018) there was installed kind of a rule that every release (movies, series, even documentaries) has to show the german speakers. When I got sick of all those unexplainable technical problems I checked out some existing profiles... and recognized what I expected: We have countless profiles of (german) discs released since this rule was installed - and only a very small part of them (I'd like to say < 3 %) so far has any german speaker listed in the profile. My check only included some series... so when I am done with the rest of "Grey's Anatomy", the next "job" will be three complete series with totally 27 seasons and 569 episodes... and they are just the beginning. This new rule enhanced the available data for countless profiles... and the work adding all those speakers to every single episode, movie and documentary....

No more time for watching, to much work with filling profiles with missing data....^^
Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 4299
It seems that someone from VLC read this thread...^^

Today I got an update for the VLC Player and now the problem is solved - at least for DVDs. I am curious about the next time I get seasons on BluRay. Missing the last two of Gomorrha, and the two I did so far were hell of a job
Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 4299
For a couple of years meanwhile DVDs have to show their German speakers (in Germany for sure), and this happens in the "titles after the end titles". But on Computer it's a horrible job to get them.

I did it with VLC-Player and with Leawo BluRay-Player but the problem remains the same!

Usually those titles are kind of a dia show of 3 pictures. The first one nearly always is shown without any problem but all further.... I am suddenly back in the menue. I tried to slow down the speed to 1/2, 1/3 or even 1/5 and very sometimes this works - if I am lucky. But there is no guarantee...

So actually I am a little bit frustrated as I would like to add this (missing) data to 7 seasons of a TV Show. One season I got done, and this was nearly no problem. Possivle the structure of the DVD-System was different, I don't know. Starting with Ep. 1 of the next season, I got to see the first page of the spearkers and no matter how slow I played, the rest remained hidden.

Any idea which software (freeware) could handle this without any drama?

The only alternative solution would be to watch them on TV, write down the speakers to paper and then add them on PC into profiler. But 7 seasons with 20+ episodes each makes that too much work.

I only can hope that someone knows a good software or has had the problem himself and found a practicable solution?
Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 4299
Quoting ateo357:
Quoting awilbohk:
Michael Andrews (1967) Composer
Bad Teacher, She's Out of My League, ...

Michael Andrews (????) Editor
Shrek 2-3, Megamind


So according to this Wiki, the Editor is born in 1962
Topic Replies: 5777, Topic Views: 382812
It has been some time since I have been banned from contributing as "someone" says I did IMDB data.
As the last time I did this might be 20 years ago when I was just beginning and head to learn, I try to solve this mystery.
For me it IS a mystery as I know the countless hours I spent to type all the cast & crew for hundreds of episodes of several series.
So I only can hope that someone knows about the technical connections which work here "behind the screen". To understand I have to explain you the way I am used to work:

- Sometimes I get new discs, create a profile or download it but meanwhile most times the profiles don't have any cast or crew. And if don't have the time to care about the data, then I use CCEdit2 to download it from IMDB just for myself.
- Here it is said that data from IMDB "always" can be identified
- I then have my times when I spend days and weeks to fill and/or correct profiles. As I don't remember which data was from Invelos and which for IMDB, I check each profile for an update.
- If the update has no data, then I know I did mine with IMDB-Data and delete all cast & crew in that profile
- Then the standard process: Inserting disc, typing all cast & crew
- This way I only can presume, that this "IMDB-Connection" possibly is not profile-specific but kind of "name-specific" what means: Every cast & crew person I ever added to my database from IMDB still has that margin
- So no matter if I type the data myself, when an entry of any person HAS it name-specific, every profile I use this person is recognized as IMDB-Data by Invelos altough it's not true

As I know that I didn't contribute anyhting else than the result of my work, this is the only possible technical answer! The other one only could be something personal...

It's another thing but intensively connected with this IMDB-Rule is something I just had to find out today:

IMDB only is identified if it has been added to a profile with copy & paste. If someone types the data from IMDB (like he should from the credits) then everybody believes that he did a good job. But if you compare the profile data of "Orange is the new Black" with the REAL credits of the disc, you might wonder where the contributer got all the data from: In the profiles nearly EVERY actor has a role! Not to mention that for most of the cast NO role is part of the credits. The main cast is only shown in the opening titles of every single episodes WITHOUT any role, only the additional cast in the end credits has a role.
Should I add more for that series? No matter how the actors are credited in the opening titles, there is nearly nobody to find with "credited as".
I have been shocked about being banned when it happened. Then I got angry about this way of jurisdiction: Being condemned without any accusation and especially without any prove. It is a very intensive believe in an insecure technical building. But meanwhile I only can laugh about it. If either I am right with my technical presumption or someone banned me for any personal reson, it doesn't matter anymore. At least not for me. I continue filling as much empty profiles as possible with data from credits but since my ban it remains MY data. And the rest can hold their empty profiles or go on believing in the so called "typed" data like for "Orange is the new Black" altough it is obviously from IMDB - only without that "technical" margin.
Topic Replies: 0, Topic Views: 1144
As banning from contribution also inclouds banning from count check, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info
Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 2245
On my hunt for headshots I had to recognize that "James S.A. Corey", credited in all seasons of the series "The Expanse" as "Original Material by" is a pseudonym for the two authors Daniel James Abraham and Ty Corey Franck

As it got lost as a hyperlink, here the prove:

As I am banned from contribution, I only can do this for my own profiles. So if someone wants to change/modify the database for all users, this might help. After that all data should look like

Original Material by
"Daniel James Abraham" credited as "James S.A. Corey"
"Ty Corey Franck" credited as "James S.A. Corey"
Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 2245
I needed a break from the data for some time as I spent so much time in caring about data that I didn't have the time anymore to watch. This way I had to recognize that there are nearly 3.000 Discs I haven't watched yet and that's a reason to stop collection for quite some time.
But the still present "data trouble" always is in a corner of my mind and this project, this idea, sometimes dominates even my dreams.
So a couple of days I re-started to clean up profile data, starting first with the Common Name Thread (http://www.invelos.com/Forums.aspx?task=viewtopic&topicID=807936&PageNum=1), and when this is done, I will go on with all the birthyears.

To explain my "new plan" was caused by the following:
- I allready was through half ot the Common Names and got some new discs
- So there were two possibilites: Re-starting the Common Names once again (horrible!) or checking every single name of cast & crew of those new discs if they are part of the common name thread (not much better)
- I decided to do it the second way, and altough it were only two new discs I had to spend about 3 hours

As the idea why I once started this thread "only" included the BirthYear-Problem but the Common Names are also a very delicate thing, I thought about if it is possible to cover both "problems" with one tool or add on.
The only difficulty for that is if you get a lot of new discs at once as this tool would work only for one profile at once:
So my idea for the solution should work the following way:

- I get a new disc for which profile all data is present on Invelos (If I have to type it myself, I need to use the tool after that job)
- I start the tool which has two sheets (cast & crew)
- I copy the cast from the profile into the first sheet and the crew into the second (Alternative - as I got no idea about programming: If a profile is open and the tool, too, there could be a button like "fetch data" or similar that the tool copies the whole data itself)
- Then I click on something like a start button
- "Anywhere" the tool has all data from the Common Name Thread AND from the BirthYear-List (http://www.luigifilocamo.it/BY.html)
- After clicking "Start" the tool now compares all names in the cast- & crew-sheet with both lists
- If any name of the copied profile data is part of one of those lists, this name now is either coloured by the tool (one colour for Comon Names, another for BYs) or there is kind of a comment column where then the tool inserts "Common Names!" or "BirthYears!"
- This way now I now which names I have to compare if they are the right ones or should be replaced
- I will always be happy if none of the names has to be controlled (especially if I newly get a complete tv series^^)

This way I don't need to control every single name, only the coloured/commented ones which possibly could avoid 90 % of work or even more.

One more time so far it is "only" an idea with one or better two big problems:
- Is it neccessary to anyhow copy the data of both lists into the tool?
- It might be impossible that it reads the data from both websites itself
- It might be neccessary to get the data every single day the tool is used as it is easier this way than to check all the threads if new names were added to one of those lists.

Let me know your opinion about my new ("crazy") idea ;-)

Thankx for Support!
Topic Replies: 168, Topic Views: 15787
Thanks to both of you! It worked absolutely fine and saved hundreds of hours of work
Job done!
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 3576
I am working with tags for nearly 20 years if not longer. So imagine that I created a tag for every country neccessary, and then each country has 10 - 150 child tags.

During the years the number of countries was growing and I would like to move several countries to a parent tag for the continent - but I can't find that this is possible?

So far I did it with some countries (with only a gew child profiles) that I created the country-tag new as a child of a continent-tag, but also had to create all the childs of the country. And then untagging all the "old" childs of the country alone and tagging each profile new with the country as continental child.

This is hell of a job and a huge danger to do something wrong. Now there are remaining countries with 100 and more child tags, so the work would cause countless hours.

Is there a chance to say: Okay, this group of tags (with all child tags) is now a childtag itself for this NEW tag?
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 3576
I could go on with my anger! And it is growing more and more....
Some say release of contributions is done automatically, others say there is "someone" doing this job. Well, no matter who does it, they DON'T DO THEIR JOB!

As long as contributers don't know the rules, why should I accept ANY f*n update? Sorry! I am at 180!!!

Altough the right people won't read this, some of the contribution rules:
1. If a Season of a TV-Series has no Barcode/EAN, it is NOT ALLOWED to use the DiscID for a season profile! If you want this e. g. as part of a box set with the full series, you have to use the version with the EAN!
2. If a new release of any movie has the same Barcode as a former release, use ALT. VERSION! That's what this is for! You are not allowed to replace the covers of former releases with scans of later ones even if the EAN/Barcode is the same!

Do I need to say more why I block every update meanwhile? A long long time ago I could do updates without any check and could be sure that they do the right job! But now there are released contributions breaking the rules! If one of 10 updates I get makes sence, then it is quite much! The rest is crap, rulebreaker and destruction of quite perfect profiles!

If it would be in my hands, I would block EVERY contributions until those "Wannabes" did a test where they have to anser specific questions according to the rules! And the same for the Releasers (if they are human). Not to mention the voters which accept such a crap and make those horrible releases possible!

I remember a german frase and I hope the translation also transmits the sense:
"Everybody does what he wants, nobody does what he should but everybody is part of!"

Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 6348
For sure, the complete audit is work. But different Disc-IDs in the parent profile and the child profiles? Maybe never heard about the "Alt. Version", as it seems the DVD18-Version has been a 2 x DVD9 in later releases... with the same EAN. Only to compare: Veryfing and correcting the data of that "something" costs more time than to create from "nothing" all the profiles myself.

According to the original title: Even if I'd accept season specification, then for sure adds like "disc" etc. are inacceptable.

And the whole problem I could explain a different way: According to the situation of "ER" it would let me presume that the series is owned by only to persons: The creator of the (half) childs and me. And this is something I simply can't imagine. But if it's owned by let's say 20 people, do they know the sence of our community? That everybody does something for everybody? Because I am also not able to imagine that I am the only one who want's full profiles.
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 6348
@SpikyCactus: I buy a lot of complete series on "small adds" (formerly "Ebay Kleinanzeigen", now only "Kleinanzeigen", as far as I know only available in Germany), always searching for the term "complete series". And sometimes I am surprised when people try to sell german DVDs of a series never released in Germany.

We all know that stuff we would like to own in our collection and never can understand why they are not released. Imo the problem since the streaming era began is that they simply produce too much fort TV and all the streamers. And mostly they got no idea if any collectors would buy. Sometimes they try, but if the first few seasons are sold too less, they quit releasing.

I have this problem with "Charlies Angels", "Streets of San Francisco", "Hart to Hart", "The Fall Guy" and quite sure some others, too. Especially Colt Seavers should be complete... but as the german TV never ordered all episodes of seasons 3 - 5, it is questionable if they ever will be released. There is only one shimmer of hope: WIthin the last 2 years Sky bought the rights for all episodes and I heard that I even synchronized the ones never shown on german TV. If that's true maybe in close future there is a chance that finally the rest of the series could be released. But so far it remains a dream....
Topic Replies: 11, Topic Views: 9688
I don't know what I feel more that lead me to write this: Anger or Sadness?
I try to understand if it is lazyness or a mentality like "better to do half a job than nothing"!

The whole story: Today I ordered a complete series ("ER" - Emergency Room) with 15 seasons. As the last one of them has been released (in Germany) 15 years ago, it is no wonder that the profiles for each season allready exist. And as the seasons consist of 3 DVD18 (for those who don't know: double sided double layered DVD) it was nice that there has been created child profiles for each side of most of the discs.

But then I had to find out that the one(s) who created the childs weren't carefully according to some confusing facts:
- The Disc-IDs are all listed in the "Discs"-Section of the Parent/Season-Profile. I only can presume that there were different releases as there are some seasons with Disc-IDs for the childs where those IDs not even listed in the parent profile. Or (just more confusing) an ID is listed in the parent as "Disc 2: Side B" but is used for Disc 3: Side A... really? REALLY?
- The first view seasons have a fourth disc for bonus materials. But why there wasn't created a profile for this disc, too? Too lazy?
- It is wonderful that the whole cast & crew is available in the parent profiles. But then I have to ask if it is too much work to copy the data of the few episodes to each child? Yes, all the childs are empty
- But not only with cast & crew: None, absolutely none of them has an overview!
- At least for four of the seasons the covers of the childs have been scanned. Why not for all?
- And if the one(s) maybe don't have a scanner: Was it too much to type down the data from the cover that there is at least an overview?
- According to data: It is sad that it was too much work to replace the "Main Feature"-Text in the disc with "Episodes X - Y".
- If the parents have studios and media companies: Why are those sections empty in the childs? If you think it's sooo much work to enter them in every single profile, then you should recognize "Initial TV Show Child Profiles" created by DJ Doena a long long time ago. This tool is smart and really helpful.
- And for several guys (I can't imagine that it is only one): The ORIGINAL TITLE is ALWAYS the name of the SERIES (in this case just "ER") and never! Never! NEVER! crap like "ER: The complete fourth season: Disc 1: Side A"

Especially the last point should be part of a "contribution license". Repeating that mistake for years doesn't make it correct! And to explain if you don't believe: If there are the "Emmy Awards", then the award always goes to "Series Title", and never to "Series Title: Season X: Disc Y". If you still don't understand: We have the awards tool as an add on. And this tool is only able to list the award for the series if there is entered the correct original title! With all the senseless "enhancements" of season and disc, this tool will never show you the award as it can't recognize the series as a winner!

Sorry about my frustration. But doing just a little bit of work (maybe with the best idea) causes at least as much work to check and correct the profiles as if nothing would have been done.

I don't expect any reaction on this post. Especially as the one(s) who made me sad and angry at the same time quite sure will not read.... Sorry!
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 6348
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