User Profile for Oldbones

Tagline: Anime...Gooooood....
Location: Canada  Alberta, Canada, Canada
Occupation: Palaeontologist
Interests: Anime, Bones, Dead things, My Daughters, My Wife.
Member Since: Saturday, January 3, 2009 (5753 days ago)
Last Forum Visit: Tuesday, January 3, 2017 10:22 AM
Forum Posts: 3    Forum posts by Oldbones
Accepted Profile Contributions: 8
Accepted Image Contributions: 5
Contribution Votes Cast: 0
Profile Links Submitted: 0
Contact Information
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Online Collection
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Flying Witch: Complete Collection
Battlestar Galactica: The Remastered Collection
In This Corner of the World
In This Corner of the World
Naruto Uncut Season Four Box Set Vol. 1