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Fixing an obvious error in the end credits (Locked)
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorT!M
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I am now tyring to correct such an erronious listing in 'Miss Congeniality' (have a look at UPC 012569-593312 if you want to see for yourself), and I'm getting a "no"-vote from Skip, saying: "I believe you have misinterpreted Ken's remark, the CA listing presErves the filmmaker's intent whatever that is."

Once again, I'm doing EXACTLY as Ken clarified. Here's the screenshot:

Like Ken said: if the only indication of Name/Role is left/right, I would lean towards allowing the credit to be entered as name: "Bob Smith", role: "Himself". As you can see, that's exactly what's happening here. The current profile, indeed submitted by Skip, abuses the "credited as" feature in the manner described in this thread, using "Herself" as the actress' name and "Ida Flammenbaum" as the role name. I am now trying to correct this "Herself" as "Ida Flammenbaum" entry to "Ida Flammenbaum" as "Herself", exactly like Ken told us to do, even supplying a link to Ken's clarification in my notes. If I'm wrong, I'd love to hear it, but I'm 100% convinced that I'm doing EXACTLY what Ken told us to do.
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Quoting T!M:

Like Ken said: if the only indication of Name/Role is left/right, I would lean towards allowing the credit to be entered as name: "Bob Smith", role: "Himself". As you can see, that's exactly what's happening here. The current profile, indeed submitted by Skip, abuses the "credited as" feature in the manner described in this thread, using "Herself" as the actress' name and "Ida Flammenbaum" as the role name. I am now trying to correct this "Herself" as "Ida Flammenbaum" entry to "Ida Flammenbaum" as "Herself", exactly like Ken told us to do, even supplying a link to Ken's clarification in my notes. If I'm wrong, I'd love to hear it, but I'm 100% convinced that I'm doing EXACTLY what Ken told us to do.

I agree Tim. The entry in DVD Profiler must be Ida Flammenbaum as Herself. Per Ken's instructions it can't be any other way.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorT!M
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Quoting 8ballMax:
I agree Tim. The entry in DVD Profiler must be Ida Flammenbaum as Herself. Per Ken's instructions it can't be any other way.

Thanks - for a split-second there, I thought I was going mad. For the record: this is exactly why I hate these arguments with Skip so much: even after Ken steps in and settles something, it only lasts about a week with him, and then he starts voting (and probably contributing as well) according to his own personal preferences again. I've run into that several times before now (here's one of the previous occasions): I'm getting pretty tired of having to fight the same battles over and over again - you'd think a clear statement by Ken should be more than enough to settle this once and for all, but it's hardly a week later, and here we go again... 
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar Contributormdnitoil
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That's okay.  Just wait until somebody decides to fix the Himself : Jabba the Hut entry in Star Wars episode 1.  The fur will really fly then. 
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorTheMadMartian
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Quoting 8ballMax:
I agree Tim. The entry in DVD Profiler must be Ida Flammenbaum as Herself. Per Ken's instructions it can't be any other way.

I agree as well.  Ken's statement should have settled this.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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I disagree with the interpreattion that is applied to what Ken said, Tim, as usual is trying to apply his MISINTERPRETATION of what Ken said to MANIPULATE the data to his ends. I suggest that you stiudy, especially the first sentence in his comment.

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Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantgarmonbozia
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The first sentence of Ken's statement does not apply here because the words "as" or "played by" (or any similar phrasing) do not appear in the credit in T!M's screen shot.  The credit is of the usual Name/Role variety, so it's the second part of Ken's statement that applies.

Quoting Ken Cole:
My thought on this is that if the cast listing is explicit, as in "Himself as Bob Smith", or "Bob Smith played by Himself", then the Credited As field should be used to preserve intent.  However, if the only indication of Name/Role is left/right, I would lean towards allowing the credit to be entered as name: "Bob Smith", role: "Himself"
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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I disagree, Ken's comment was VERY specific and perhaps the TWO most important words he used were "preserve intent" The AS is understood as it is with 98% of all credits. Additionally Ken specifically stated Name/Role, left/right, this does not follow that template either.

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Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorT!M
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Dear God! Can't you just take a deep breath and read Ken's message once more?! You're picking two words out of it to justify your destructive behaviour, while the expres intent of Ken's intervention was to stop you doing so. There is literally no-one else here who misunderstands his comment, yet you somehow succeed in convincing yourself you're doing the right thing. If a clear statement from Ken doesn't even get you on the right page, what will?

It's not so much that I'm worried about this particular contribution - I'm pretty sure the screeners will ignore your "no"-vote - but apparently you'll keep abusing the "credited as" feature in this manner in future contributions. That's what saddens me: everyone here understands Ken's clarification, yet you happily keep ignoring it, and as such, keep messing up good data. I'd call that abusing your voting/contribution privileges.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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It is you are being destructive and proceeding against intent, not I. I will stand against ANY user who tries to insert PERSONAL preference where it does NOT belong.

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Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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As to the swcreener ignoring my comment, don't bet on it, since you made a very persoanl attack on another user in your own NOTES.

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Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorT!M
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Quoting skipnet50:
It is you are being destructive and proceeding against intent, not I. I will stand against ANY user who tries to insert PERSONAL preference where it does NOT belong.

It's the exact opposite... Again, you'll find that your "no"-vote will be ignored by the screeners, and you'll find that you won't get a SINGLE user to support your point of view in the forums - there really isn't ANYONE else who misunderstands Ken's comments. What more has to happen to convince you that you are wrong?

With this ridiculous behaviour, you've once again shown that you don't actually care about accurate data, that you don't understand the basics of the software, and that you're happy to jump at every opportunity to purge any form of usability from the program. This saddens me no end. I've literally spent hours trying to explain this you, but Ken's clarification really should've ended it. Now that I find myself having to fight this battle all over again, I'm getting pretty annoyed. If just don't know what I can do to make this any clearer to you...
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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I am getting pretty annoyed at your disregard for factual data and trying to preserve the intent of that data...in favor of fantasy data whose ONLY purpose is to disregard the HARD data and manipulate the Online Database for your own purposes.

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Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorT!M
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Once again: there's a "name" (Ida Flammenbaum) and a "role name" (Herself). They're just listed in reverse in comparison with the other credits, but Ken confirmed that if that's the only difference, it should be ignored for DVD Profiler purposes. That's all there is to it - I really don't know how to explain this any better than Ken did himself. It's crystal clear to anyone but you.

As for the rest: I'm afraid that accusing me of "manipulating the Online Database for your own purposes" is getting pretty pathetic now - again, there isn't ANYONE here but you who manages to twist and turn Ken's comment into an excuse to keep messing up good data. You're the only one who doesn't get it. I've spent hours, both here in this thread and through a string of PM's, to try and explain this to you. I've been patient, I've been gentle, and then I've been blunt. But if even an intervention from Ken doesn't help, I really don't know what to do anymore.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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I accept CONCRETE data, Tim, not FANTASY data the name is Herself and the role is Ida. You can't even acknowledge the Basic facts of the data

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Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorT!M
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We're going around in circles here, Skip, so I'll just leave you to it, and trust that the screeners will do the right thing.

Once again: I really am saddened by all this - especially the fact that you'll apparently keep destroying good data in spite of a crystal clear clarification from Ken. Despite our differences, I really thought that in the end, we were both after accurate and useful data. But apparently you've chosen a different path. Pages ago, myself and others have painstakingly explained why putting the role name in the "name" field and vice versa is NOT accurate and useful, and then Ken stepped in and confirmed that "if the only indication of Name/Role is left/right, I would lean towards allowing the credit to be entered as name: 'Bob Smith', role: 'Himself'." That really is all there is to it - all the rest is your personal preference.

This is not about you disagreeing with me, this is about you disagreeing with Ken. Apparently you don't like the path Ken has chosen - though I don't see why - but that doesn't allow you to keep forcing your conflicting personal preference upon the master database.
 Last edited: by T!M
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