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Announcing: The TV Episode Guide Loader
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registranttmb4016
Registered: March 14, 2007
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Sorry I don't agree with the mp3 file explanation. I have the epg loader working fine with several wav files. ie 24 series ... Are you sure the file location is correct ?
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registranttmb4016
Registered: March 14, 2007
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However I do also see same behaviour on some profiles of 'Tag say EPG, but no file. 404' however the epg and wav file is correct, and does display and play. Not sure why the error occurs ...
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorStaid S Barr
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Quoting tmb4016:
Sorry I don't agree with the mp3 file explanation. I have the epg loader working fine with several wav files. ie 24 series ... Are you sure the file location is correct ?

Yes, but if a .wav or .mid file is found, I get a message that a file u32Prod.dll is not installed. No real problem, I just point the sound file to a wrong directory. That way nothing happens, not even an error message, and I keep the reminder for when the problem is solved.

By the way, the .wav and .mid files do play when I activate them in Windows Explorer.
 Last edited: by Staid S Barr
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorStaid S Barr
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Quoting tmb4016:
However I do also see same behaviour on some profiles of 'Tag say EPG, but no file. 404' however the epg and wav file is correct, and does display and play. Not sure why the error occurs ...

This happens both if you use TAGs, or use epg=1 in Notes (with appropriate error message).
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantBig Al
Techno Bunker Keeper
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Great Idea, but I just cant get it to work.

I have got as far as the title & the links section showing but no EPG. If I fiddle around I gennerally get a 404 error.

So far I am only tryng this on on title. I have copied the HTML from the notes section and saved it as 043396114906.html in C:\Documents and Settings\Windows User\Application Data\DVD Profiler\EPG where the images also live.

Here's  my code

// TV Episode Guide Storage Location (EPGSL)
var pathToEpGStorage = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Windows User\\Application Data\\DVD Profiler\\EPG\\"; // <-- SET

// filename
var fileNamePrefix = "epg-"; // <-- SET
var excludeLocality = "true"; // <-- SET true/false
var fileNameSuffix = ".html"; // <-- SET .htm/.html

var tagName = ""; // <-- SET
var useFooterTagName = ""; // <-- SET

var useNotes = true; // <-- SET true/false
var useNotesFilename = true; // <-- SET true/false
var useTagName = true; // <-- SET true/false
var useTheIFrame = true; // <-- SET true/false
var useTheFooter = true; // <-- SET true/false
var tryLoadEPGAnyway = false; // <-- SET true/false

// error messages
var errUPCFilename = "Get UPC filename, but no file. 404";
var errNoteUPC = "Notes say get UPC Filename, but no file. 404";
var errNoteFilename = "Notes say Filename, but no file. 404";
var errTagMessage = "Tag say EPG, but no file. 404";
var errIFrameMessage = "No TV Episode Guide available!";

// Some variables for the footer.
var epgURLSource = "epg.dvdaholic.me.uk";
var epgURLSourceSearch = "?letter=";

in the notes section of DVD Profiler I have <![epgfn=043396114906.html]>

My Episode Guide Tab states note says filename, but no file .404

Any ideas how to get it to work?


Big Al
 Last edited: by Big Al
DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantxyrano
41215.reg 70320.urk
Registered: March 13, 2007
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First try the <epg=1> in Notes to see if you get it to work at all, then fiddle with <![epgfn=043396114906.html]>. Remember that you've set the var fileNamePrefix to "epg-"!
So for your current setup using epg=1 in notes, your files should be named...:

A tip is to use the epgfn in notes for files that differ from the rest (epg=1) in some way; like a "work in progress", or whatever... anyway the choice is yours.

Otherwise it looks good (not knowing how the rest of the files are named).

Oh wait, is your login in name really "Windows User"? If its not, then the path is incorrect.

Maybe it is the hidden suffix?

See my sign for a tut. Good luck!
 Last edited: by xyrano
DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantxyrano
41215.reg 70320.urk
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Big Al: Did you get it to work?
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantBig Al
Techno Bunker Keeper
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Thanks for the reply. I've tried all your suggestions , ut still no luck.

With <epg=1> in the n otes I get error message    Notes say get UPC Filename, but no file. 404

Using <![epgfn=043396114906.html]> i get error Notes say get UPC Filename, but no file. 404

My log in is windows user ( so this is right) even changing the location to
var pathToEpGStorage = "C:\\Program Files\\DVD Profiler\\EPG\\";  // gets the same error.

I am totally stuck.

Big Al
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantRandall_Lind
Registered: May 10, 2007
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What am I doing wrong?

Here is how to get this episode guide to work with ease.

Step 1.
Create a folder for the images named epg.

Go to...

C:\Program Files\Intervocative Software\DVD Profiler

and make a new folder naming it epg

insert all images (and midi if available) from this zip file into the newly created epg folder.

Step 2.
Please ensure that in dvdprofiler you have enabled html in notes...

Tools->Options->Display and check Use HTML for notes

Step 3.
Go to the profile of the TV Show you just downloaded this episode guide for and then go to ther personalize option. Copy the text file from this zip file and paste it into the notes box. Click ok.

Step 4.
Enjoy your NEw Episode guide

Thank you for downloading my Episode guide.
Have a good day! :-)

Why does it show in Notes and not the EPG loader tab?

I have this in the code:
// -------- Configuration block - Start --------
// TV Episode Guide Storage Location (EPGSL)
var pathToEpGStorage ="C:\Documents and Settings\Randall Lind\My Documents\DVD Profiler\EPG"; // <-- SET
 Last edited: by Randall_Lind
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorAddicted2DVD
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You are reading an old set-up from when we had yo use the notes section. THIS LINK will tell you how to get it working.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorAddicted2DVD
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ok...  sorry I don't think he added how to do the EPG's on the site.

What you want to do is change the TXT to an HTML file (Renaming the file to epg-UPC Code.html) and store it in the epg folder too... change all img and sound locations to the epg folder.... and then depending on your setup either put <epg=1> in notes or check the epg tag for that profile
DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantxyrano
41215.reg 70320.urk
Registered: March 13, 2007
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Quoting Big Al:

Thanks for the reply. I've tried all your suggestions , ut still no luck.

With <epg=1> in the n otes I get error message    Notes say get UPC Filename, but no file. 404

Using <![epgfn=043396114906.html]> i get error Notes say get UPC Filename, but no file. 404

My log in is windows user ( so this is right) even changing the location to
var pathToEpGStorage = "C:\\Program Files\\DVD Profiler\\EPG\\";  // gets the same error.

I am totally stuck.

Big Al

If you navigate in explorer to C:\Program Files\DVD Profiler\EPG\ and double click on 043396114906.html, does it show that EPG?
DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantxyrano
41215.reg 70320.urk
Registered: March 13, 2007
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Randall_Lind: That is the way it was done in DVD Profiler 2.*. With DVD Profiler 3 there is new functionality that alow third party scripts to be used. The EPGL is such a script. Your short step tut and EPGL is not the same.

Actually, This EPGL was created to avoid using EPG's in the notes section, and to introduce additional functionality. Creating a tutorial about how to do it the old way, here, in this thread, should be avoided if possible. I would like to keep this thread on topic as it may be confusing information for others. Thanks!
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantRandall_Lind
Registered: May 10, 2007
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I got it working using <![epgfn=epg_1251]> and end up making the EPG folder in "c:\\program files\\dvd profiler\\epg\\"

Also I had to change Epsodies.txt to .html then it statrted to work. I tried for 3 hours but it didn't like the path "C:\\documents and settings\\user\my documents\\dvd profiler\\epg\\" it has no prombe with c:\\program files\\....
 Last edited: by Randall_Lind
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantRandall_Lind
Registered: May 10, 2007
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Quoting xyrano:
Randall_Lind: That is the way it was done in DVD Profiler 2.*. With DVD Profiler 3 there is new functionality that alow third party scripts to be used. The EPGL is such a script. Your short step tut and EPGL is not the same.

Actually, This EPGL was created to avoid using EPG's in the notes section, and to introduce additional functionality. Creating a tutorial about how to do it the old way, here, in this thread, should be avoided if possible. I would like to keep this thread on topic as it may be confusing information for others. Thanks!

I read your tutorial over and over again and it totally lost me when it got the the epg- part. RossRoy was the one that told me to use <![epgfn=filename]>

Sorry if I am doing it the old fashion way.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorStaid S Barr
Registered: Oct 16, 2003
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Quoting Randall_Lind:
I got it working using <![epgfn=epg_1251]> and end up making the EPG folder in "c:\\program files\\dvd profiler\\epg\\"

Also I had to change Epsodies.txt to .html then it statrted to work. I tried for 3 hours but it didn't like the path "C:\\documents and settings\\user\my documents\\dvd profiler\\epg\\" it has no prombe with c:\\program files\\....

Maybe it was the missing "\" after "user"?
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