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Invelos Forums->Posts by GSyren Page: 1... 6 7 8  Previous   Next
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BirthYearCheck 4.5

When I realized that I could update cast and crew through HTTPJolie, I thought that updating birth year directly from BirthYearCheck would be easy-peasy. Well, as it turned out, it was quite a lot more work than I had anticipated. But I got it done. You do need HTTPJolie to use this.

So, when you select Update birth year you will be prompted for a new birth year.

The combo box will contain the birth years from the birth year list (and 9999), but you can enter any year.
You can't remove the birth year (limitation in the DVD Profiler API), but you can set it to 9999 and remove it manually later.

If the same person occurs more than once in the cast, all occurrences will be updated. The same for crew.

As always, do read the help file, especially the topic regarding this feature.

You can, of course, use the program without HTTPJolie, but this feature will then be disabled.
Topic Replies: 66, Topic Views: 23455
Registered January 6, 2001.
I can't believe it's been over 22 years. 
Topic Replies: 25, Topic Views: 12672
ProfilerQuery 5.0.2
Fixes the "Case Type Missing" bug.
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 37399
It seems that there is a bug in ProfilerQuery that can give you an empty or incorrect result after you have run a query once.
For now, the fix is to reload the export file.

This is on my to-do list to correct.

Update: The problem seems to be limited to when "Case Type Missing" is used, so not as severe as I initially feared.
A fixed version (5.0.2) should hopefully be available tomorrow.
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 37399
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