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Invelos Forums->Posts by GSyren Page: 1... 3 4 5 6 7 8  Previous   Next
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While testing one of my programs I found a significant difference between my results and the ones from the CLT. I thought I had a bug, but after a lot of debugging it seems that it is instead the CLT that is buggy.

Case in point: I searched the CLT for "Paull Walia" (note Paull with two L). One of the profiles listed by the CLT is the German release of Ocean's Thirteen, UPC 7-321982-000868. It shows Paull Walia as "Security Technician". However when I downloaded the profile to check it, I see that the name in the actual profile is really "Paul Walia" with a single L. 
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 2187
A few facts that probably has no bearing:

We have a Jason Griffith credited as Costume Designer in "4 Life", but IMDb list him as Jason Griffin, so that's probably a mistake in the profile.

There is a Jason Griffith listed as sound in "Barney: The Land of Make Believe" so most likely not one of the actors.

Then in the Netherlands release of "The 4400: The Second Season" there is Jason Griffiths, credited as Jason Griffith. But since all other releases of that title has Jason Griffith as Arlo, the Netherlands profile is almost certainly an error. There is an actor named Jason Griffiths, but he is not in any other 4400 release. Also, this doesn't impact the CLT result as the CLT will count the credited-as name.
Topic Replies: 28, Topic Views: 17262
Since 4K is region free, you can just buy it somewhere else. A bit inconvenient, but still possible.
Topic Replies: 5, Topic Views: 2565
Quoting rdodolak:
The SRP is typically without tax.

Only in the US.
Topic Replies: 10, Topic Views: 3940
You could probably do it with ProfilerQuery. You can save the result of a query as a CSV file (I assume that's what you meant). But you would, of course, need to know the exact format that is needed; which fields and in which order.
Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 2384
CastCrewCheck 3.0.3

Somehow the previous update introduced a bug. When editing an existing cast entry (by double clicking a row), the OK button was disabled. This has been fixed.
Topic Replies: 87, Topic Views: 34609
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou: Stefano Maria Ortolani (Supervising Art Director)

Quoting huskersports:
I don't have a credit for him in M:I 3 or The Core. Unit crew perhaps?

IMDb lists him as "Art Director: Italy" and "Art Director: Rome" respectively, so probably unit crew. I haven't checked the actual credits, though.
Topic Replies: 20, Topic Views: 6617
I had posted version 5.0.5 on my website, but I forgot to mention it here. Perhaps just as well. It turned out that although it worked fine on my development PC, it crashed on some other machines. 

I just recompiled the exact same source, and it worked. So if any of you downloaded 5.0.5 and had trouble with it, the fixed version is now available, zip files marked as 5.0.5a.
Topic Replies: 309, Topic Views: 37423
I don't think it's possible in DVD Profiler itself. You can do it with ProfilerQuery, but you get a much simpler layout, for example:

You can, of course, configure which columns to include in the report (including thumbnails).

ProfilerQuery has a bit of a learning curve in order to get a result like this. However, should you want to give it a try, feel free to PM me for tips.
Topic Replies: 1, Topic Views: 1330
I guess yesterday was screener day. I had a couple of updates accepted yesterday.
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 1575
CastCrewCheck 3.0.2

After a recent update to DJ's CastCrewEdit, the integration between CastCrewCheck and CastCrewEdit stopped working. This has now been fixed.

The previous version erroneously included support for WebView2, which was not needed, but takes up a lot of disk space. You can safely delete the subfolder named CastCrewCheck.exe.WebView2.
Topic Replies: 87, Topic Views: 34609
Quoting Clark G. Flipper:
One question: the requirement not to upload IMDB data to invelos is still effective, correct?

Correct! You can use it as a starting point, though, and verify/correct the data against the actual credits. CastCrewCheck can be helpful in this regard.
Topic Replies: 616, Topic Views: 55124
You already posted this in the Technical Support forum and got responses. What's the point of reposting in this forum? If you have any more information, add it to that thread.
Topic Replies: 1, Topic Views: 1392
Quoting Andrea67:
For several days I have been having problems inserting film covers into the program with several errors (Access violation at address 0074017E in Module DVDPRO.Exe Read of Address 00000000). I need repair more times the program.

Did you try just rebooting your PC? Sometimes that helps. If not, I would suggest that you uninstall and re-install DVD Profiler. Make sure you have a backup of your collection first.

Then in the order the letters (Le La The An A) are not stored in the passage between insertion and the initial screen.

I'm not sure I quite understand your problem, but select from the menu Tools / Options / Display. Check or uncheck "Append title articles". Does that fix it?
Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 1810
I recently made an interesting discovery. I updated some profiles that were missing color information. Most of them also had some other changes; birth year, common name or whatever. But the ones that had only color information added were approved immediately.

I can only surmise that this is bug in the bot. While color info is a very simple piece of information, it's not so simple that you cannot get it wrong. I have seen that happen. So it should be voted on.
Topic Replies: 102, Topic Views: 14004
DvdpScheduler 2.6.8

Well, it seems that the fix in 2.6.7 didn't work quite as intended. 

Trying to watch the progress window in DVD Profiler turned out to be a little more complicated than I initially thought. I found out that the progress window is always there, only it is invisible when not needed.

If HTTPJolie is used, I no longer check the progress window, because HTTPJolie will tell me when a command file is completed. When HTTPJolie is not used, I still have to check the progress window, but now to see if it is visible or not. That seems to work.

Please note that selecting to start DvdpScheduler on Windows startup is not a good idea if you use HTTPJolie. DvdpScheduler should be started after DVD Profiler is running, otherwise it will sense that HTTPJolie is not available, and disable HTTPJolie integration.

You can start DVD Profiler and DvdpScheduler in the proper order on Windows startup by using SlowStarter. Just make sure you give Profiler enough time before starting DvdpScheduler.
Topic Replies: 28, Topic Views: 27870
That usually means that your a local online list file has been corrupted.
Go to "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\DVD Profiler" and delete OnlineList.dod and OnlineListSel.dod. They will be reconstructed when you connect to Invelos.
Topic Replies: 2, Topic Views: 1863
Quoting ObiKen (from another thread):
MonoCheck is a very simple and effective tool for 2.0 audio tracks, however, there is one small caveat when using it.
On Windows 11, make sure "Enable audio enhancements" for the speakers is DISABLED.

To verify the setting on Windows 11, follow the procedure described below:

Press Win + R keys to open the Run Command dialog box.
Type mmsys.cpl and press Enter key.
Select Speakers and click Properties button
Select Advanced tab

In the section titled "Signal Enhancements", make sure "Enable audio enhancements" is DISABLED.

If its enabled then when the audio track is 2.0 mono, MonoCheck may end up displaying false-positives for stereo (that is, the left and right channels may appear non-identical in magnitude and asynchronous in changes).

This is no fault of the MonoCheck program, rather, it accurately reflects the consequences of Microsoft's manipulation of the 2.0 mono track into a pseudo-stereo track.

Important info that I wasn't previously aware of.
Topic Replies: 19, Topic Views: 21703
Quoting rdodolak:
I'll have to check out MonoCheck but you can also use Audacity to analyze the audio tracks.

I'm sure that there are several audio programs than can analyze audio tracks. But MonoCheck has an advantage. It's created especially for this purpose. It is dirt simple, and it's very small, so you can run it on top of your media player without obscuring anything important.

And ObiKen - many thanks for that info! I was not aware of that.

Edit: I just realized that I made an almost identical comment in the MonoCheck thread last year. I guess I have a one track mind ... 
Topic Replies: 6, Topic Views: 3362
I had a PM conversation with Magmadrag a few days ago. He shared some of his personal problems. I can't discuss them here, but he said he would be unavailable for some time. So I think it's fair to assume that his silence is not a sign of disinterest or laziness. So please cut him some slack for now.
Topic Replies: 168, Topic Views: 12855
Just FYI, Kvack, MonoCheck is a good tool for finding out if a two-track encoding is actually mono.
Topic Replies: 6, Topic Views: 3362
Well, now the rest have been approved, so it's not too bad. But the fact that updates get approved faster than new contributions creates anomalies like this. And it's so unnecessary. 
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 2057

The profiles that I changed from two movies to one of the movies has been released. The updated boxset parent has also been released. But … the new profiles that were created for the second movies from each of the old two-movies profiles, those have not been released.

Thus, if you accepts the currently released profiles, you lose half of the movies (until those are also released).
How stupid! 
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 2057
The rules are clear that we should not contribute disc level profiles for such discs. Right now I'm profiling the movies included in the Hammer Film Noir box set (089859-055423). It currently does have disc level profiles, and I'm meaning to break those up.

The problem here is that there are disc level extras. Some of them pertain to a specific movie, like commentary, so they should be included in the profile for that movie. But some of them are more general. And if we don't make disc level profiles, where do we add these extras? Do we add them to both movies profiles?
Topic Replies: 3, Topic Views: 2057
I don't think we should include "additional" anything, so No.
Topic Replies: 4, Topic Views: 2450
Invelos Forums->Posts by GSyren Page: 1... 3 4 5 6 7 8  Previous   Next